
Who am I? (3) The Sanshin Player

Part of my personal Okinawa addiction includes learning to play the three-stringed instrument known as --surprise!--“three strings”, or sanshin (literally: three flavors). I am taking a qualifying exam in sanshin playing next month. One of the required songs is called Yutaka Bushi, or Prosperity Song, and it was composed by the sanshin master Seijin Noborikawa.

What does it take to be, or at least feel, prosperous? Part of the answer is laughter. As the song goes, “When we manage to laugh both morning and evening, we draw good fortune to ourselves.” Next comes gratitude. “The habit of giving thanks is the basis for making our wishes come true.” The chorus urges us, “So, dance and be joyful! People and their doings can be so beautiful.”

The song puts me in a Thanksgiving holiday mood. One of the things I’m especially grateful for is last summer’s Okinawa holiday. Another is the chance to enjoy my fill of sanshin music, both as a listener and as a player. Although it is still too early to defrost the turkey, it is not too early to think back over this year’s magic moments—the ones that make us want to dance and be joyful.

Here's wishing you all a joyful lead-up to a magical holiday of thanksgiving!