Nemo got his own movie. The dolphins and whales have armed bodyguards. Everyone goes gaga over newly hatched turtles and seal pups. But what about us? Where's our bumper sticker?
We eels have feelings, too. Come to think about it, so do chickens and cows and pigs and Bambi. Maybe even potatoes! We all want to live, forever if possible. And that's why we eat, because food = life.
Where do you draw the line? Are anteaters evil because they eat ants? Are people evil because they eat the food their gods have set in front of them? Why single out one creature for protection and ignore the rest of us? And what is it with people, that they'll fight to protect us animals and glory in killing each other?
Dunno. What do you expect from a life form that built a magic kingdom and chose a rodent to be king. A rodent! What about us? Dontcha think we're cute enough?