
Another Holiday--Feb 3

The first months of the year are loaded with holidays. Some are serious, and some are just for fun.

February 3 is one of the fun ones. It's technical name is "setsu-bun", and it is the calendar date for the first day of spring according to the ancient lunar calendar. Just because it snowed this year is no reason not to believe spring will eventually arrive.

The way to celebrate is, um, different from what you might expect. First, you put on your devil mask. Then you arm yourself with handfuls of dried beans. And then you throw the beans.

You are supposed to shout "Devils out!" and throw the beans outside. Then you screech, "Good fortune come in!" as you throw the beans around inside the house. Of course, kids are doing most of the throwing, and that is why you need the devil mask to protect your face from flying beans.

The celebration ends when you scoot around picking up the beans from inside the house. The rule says you have to eat the same number of beans as your age.

I, for one, don't plan on playing this game when my teeth are 101 years old. Those dried beans are pretty crunchy.

Another fun one comes on March 3. March 3 is Girls' Day, the day of the doll festival or "Hina Matsuri". More on that (plus a photo!) next time.